Trees for Residential Properties
When selecting trees for a residential property, the possibilities are plentiful. Certain trees can provide ample shade, seasonal flowers, evergreen foliage, or brilliant Autumn colours. Ellenby has decades of experience recommending the perfect trees to complement homes and gardens.
Some top options for residential properties include:
Native trees | Offering both water-wise resilience and firewise while adorning your landscape with vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow, creating a haven of natural beauty and practicality.
Flowering trees | For seasonal blooms, flowering trees like Cercis, Magnolia, Crabapple, Redbud, and Ornamental Plum trees are ideal. They provide colour in Spring or Summer, without taking up too much space.
Evergreen trees | Evergreen trees maintain foliage year-round, enhancing surroundings with enduring greenery, whether screening neighbours, or cultivating a tropical ambiance. They provide privacy, windbreaks, and structure during winter. Some compact evergreens work well even for small yards.
Shade trees | For ample shade on hot days, Oak, Elm, Gleditsia and Eucalyptus trees have broad canopies. They can lower air conditioning costs when planted wisely around the home.
Ornamental trees | Small ornamental trees like Crepe Myrtle, and Prunus make beautiful focal points without overpowering the landscape.
The right trees can increase property values, clean the air, provide wildlife habitat, and make your residential property more inviting. Ellenby will help select the perfect trees for your specific needs and climate
Search our tree collection here.
Eucalyptus foecunda
Narrow-leaved Red Mallee
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Height: 3m Width: 2m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-2m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-1.5m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-1.5m
Corymbia citriodora grafted
Dwarf Lemon-scented Gum
Height: 7m Width: 4m
Melaleuca linariifolia
Snow in Summer
Height: 6-8m Width: 4-6m
Melaleuca viridiflora
Weeping Red Flowering Paperbark
Height: 8-10m Width: 3-4m
Melaleuca rhaphiophylla
Swamp Paper Bark
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Eucalyptus victrix
Little Ghost Gum
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Eucalyptus utilis
Coastal Mort
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Eucalyptus torquata
Coral Gum
Height: 6m Width: 5m
Eucalyptus todtiana
Coastal Blackbutt
Height: 6m Width: 5m
Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Height: 10-20m Width: 5-10m
Eucalyptus forrestiana
Fuchsia Gum
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Eucalyptus erythrocorys
Red Cap Gum
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Eucalyptus caesia magna
Silver Princess
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Eucalyptus caesia
Gungunnu Gungurru
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Agonis Flexuosa
WA Weeping Peppermint
Height: 7m Width: 5m
Brachychiton populneus x discolour
Griffith Pink
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Melaleuca lanceolata
Moonah Black Tea Tree
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Callitris pressii
Rottnest Island Pine
Height: 6m Width: 3m
Citrus aurantium
Washington Navel
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Citrus limon
Eureka Lemon
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Citrus limon
Height: 4m Width: 4m
Macadamia integrifolia
Macadamia Nut
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Citrus latifolia
Tahitian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Citrus aurantifolia
West Indian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Eucalyptus foecunda
Narrow-leaved Red Mallee
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Broadleaf Paperbark
Height: 10- 12m Width: 4m
Pyrus betulaefolia
Southworth Dancer
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Malus yunnanensis
Upright Red Crabapple
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Rejoice Crabapple
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-1.5m
Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei
Moonlight Magic Crepe Myrtle
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Ceiba insignis
White Floss Silk Tree
Height: 10-15m Width: 7-10m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 8-10m Width: 2-3m
Waterhousia floribunda
Sweeper Lilly Pily
Height: 8m Width: 4.5m
Cassia fistula
Golden Shower Tree
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Tipuana tipu
Pride of Bolivia
Height: 12m Width: 10m
Metrosideros thomasii
New Zealand Christmas Tree
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Pyrus usseriensis
Manchurian Pear
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Pyrus nivalis
Snow Pear
Height: 6-8m Width: 5m
Pyrus fauriei
Korean Sun
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Pyrus calleryana
Chanticleer or Cleveland Select
Height: 9m Width: 4m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 9m Width: 3m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 10m Width: 5m
Pyrus bet x call
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Prunus elvins
Elvins Plum
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Prunus cerasifera
Crimson Spire
Height: 7m Width: 3m
Prunus blireana
Cherry Blossom Plum
Height: 5m Width: 5m
Mangifera indica
Kensington Pride Mango
Height: 7m Width: 5m
Citrus aurantium
Washington Navel
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Citrus limon
Eureka Lemon
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Macadamia integrifolia
Macadamia Nut
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Citrus latifolia
Tahitian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Citrus aurantifolia
West Indian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Broadleaf Paperbark
Height: 10- 12m Width: 4m
Height: 3m Width: 2m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-2m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-1.5m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-1.5m
Corymbia citriodora grafted
Dwarf Lemon-scented Gum
Height: 7m Width: 4m
Melaleuca linariifolia
Snow in Summer
Height: 6-8m Width: 4-6m
Dracaena draco
Dragon Tree
Height: 4-5m Width: 3-4m
Waterhousia floribunda
Sweeper Lilly Pily
Height: 8m Width: 4.5m
Metrosideros thomasii
New Zealand Christmas Tree
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Radermachera sinica
Summerscent Asian Bell
Height: 3m Width: 2m
Magnolia grandiflora
Teddy Bear
Height: 6m Width: 3m
Magnolia grandiflora
Sweet n Neat
Height: 3m Width: 2m
Magnolia grandiflora
Little Gem
Height: 6m Width: 3m
Magnolia grandiflora
Kay Parris
Height: 6m Width: 3m
Magnolia grandiflora
Coolwyn Gloss
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Fraxinus griffithii
Flowering or Evergreen Ash
Height: 5-7m Width: 3-4m
Ficus binnendijkii
Alii Petite
Height: 5m Width: 3m
Cerbera odollam rubra
Red Pong Pong Tree
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Olea europaea
Kalamata Olive
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Melaleuca viridiflora
Weeping Red Flowering Paperbark
Height: 8-10m Width: 3-4m
Eucalyptus victrix
Little Ghost Gum
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Mangifera indica
Kensington Pride Mango
Height: 7m Width: 5m
Olea europaea
Tolleys Upright Olive
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Jacaranda mimosaefolia
Purple Jacaranda
Height: 10m Width: 8m
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Broadleaf Paperbark
Height: 10- 12m Width: 4m
Pyrus betulaefolia
Southworth Dancer
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei
Moonlight Magic Crepe Myrtle
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 8-10m Width: 2-3m
Waterhousia floribunda
Sweeper Lilly Pily
Height: 8m Width: 4.5m
Ulmus parvifolia
Inspire Chinese Elm
Height: 10-12m Width: 8-10m
Cassia fistula
Golden Shower Tree
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Tipuana tipu
Pride of Bolivia
Height: 12m Width: 10m
Sapium sebiferum
Chinese Tallow Tree
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Quercus rubra
Red Oak
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Height: 10m Width: 7m
Pyrus usseriensis
Manchurian Pear
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Pyrus nivalis
Snow Pear
Height: 6-8m Width: 5m
Pyrus calleryana
Chanticleer or Cleveland Select
Height: 9m Width: 4m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 9m Width: 3m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 10m Width: 5m
Pyrus bet x call
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Plumeria obtusa
Singapore White Frangipani
Height: 3-4m Width: 3-4m
Plumeria acutifolia
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Platanus orientalis digitata
Cut Leaf Plane
Height: 12m Width: 8m
Platanus acerifolia
London Plane Tree
Height: 15m Width: 10m
Liquidambar styraciflua
Jennifer Carrol
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei
Zuni Crepe Myrtle
Height: 4m Width: 3m
Plumeria obtusa
Petite Pink Frangipani
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Magnolia grandiflora
Coolwyn Gloss
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Fraxinus griffithii
Flowering or Evergreen Ash
Height: 5-7m Width: 3-4m
Citrus aurantium
Washington Navel
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Citrus limon
Eureka Lemon
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Citrus limon
Height: 4m Width: 4m
Olea europaea
Tolleys Upright Olive
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Macadamia integrifolia
Macadamia Nut
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Citrus latifolia
Tahitian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Citrus aurantifolia
West Indian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Eucalyptus foecunda
Narrow-leaved Red Mallee
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Broadleaf Paperbark
Height: 10- 12m Width: 4m
Pyrus betulaefolia
Southworth Dancer
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Malus yunnanensis
Upright Red Crabapple
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Rejoice Crabapple
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Height: 2-3m Width: 1-1.5m
Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei
Moonlight Magic Crepe Myrtle
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 8-10m Width: 2-3m
Waterhousia floribunda
Sweeper Lilly Pily
Height: 8m Width: 4.5m
Cassia fistula
Golden Shower Tree
Height: 8m Width: 4m
Tipuana tipu
Pride of Bolivia
Height: 12m Width: 10m
Metrosideros thomasii
New Zealand Christmas Tree
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Sapium sebiferum
Chinese Tallow Tree
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Quercus rubra
Red Oak
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Height: 10m Width: 7m
Pyrus usseriensis
Manchurian Pear
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Pyrus nivalis
Snow Pear
Height: 6-8m Width: 5m
Pyrus fauriei
Korean Sun
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Pyrus calleryana
Chanticleer or Cleveland Select
Height: 9m Width: 4m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 9m Width: 3m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 10m Width: 6m
Pyrus calleryana
Height: 10m Width: 5m
Pyrus bet x call
Height: 8m Width: 5m
Contact Ellenby Today
Ellenby Tree Farm is ready to partner with you on your next project requiring advanced trees and landscaping expertise. Our team has over 30 years of experience selecting, cultivating, and installing specimen trees to create beautiful, sustainable landscapes.
There are a few ways to get in touch with us:
Call | Speak directly with one of our Sales or Horticulturist experts during business hours to discuss your project needs.
Email | Send us an email at with details on your project and tree requirements. We're happy to provide recommendations.
Visit Our Nursery | Come see our selection of advanced trees first hand. Our nursery is located at 14 Stoney Rd, Gnangara WA 6077.
Request a Consultation | One of our horticulturists can meet you onsite to evaluate the space and provide expert tree selection advice. Just fill out our online form to schedule a consultation. Fees apply.
We look forward to learning about your project and creating a stunning urban greenspaces together. Our team will handle everything from tree selection and cultivation to delivery and professional installation.
Contact Ellenby today to get started!